Hello. I would like to add volume to my face, I have a lot of faulty faces and overall look older than I am. Is it possible to deliver volume to your faces?
Of course, a very effective method of restoring face volume is so-called 3D lifting, which is a special technique for applying dermal fillings. The result is fuller, younger-looking, faces.
Hello, I’m interested in the SMAS lifting treatment but can’t seem to find in what kind of anaesthesia is it provided. I’m afraid of pain. Thank you.
Because of its low demanding character, the treatment is not provided in any form of anaesthesia, including the topical one. Very sensitive individuals can feel a little discomfort; most patients however describe the procedure as painless.
Good day. Is it possible to treat some body parts by this procedure as well, or is it solely designed for the face?
Unlike other rival methods using HIFU, SMAS lifting is able to treat face as well as any body part, from the neck and décolleté, through arms, belly and lower back to thighs or calves. No other similar method is capable of that.
Hello, I wonder, is there any recovery time needed after the procedure? I can’t afford to take any days off from my work.
There is no recovery time or any special regime needed after the procedure. The patient can return to their normal everyday routine right after the treatment and they will feel no limitation or discomfort whatsoever, therefore there is definitely no need to take days off from your work.
Pěkný den, zajímá mě, jestli se pomocí této metody dá ošetřit taky nějaká tělesná oblast, nebo je to jen na obličej?
Na rozdíl od konkurenčních metod využívajících HIFU je technika SMAS liftingu jako jediná schopna ošetřit nejen obličej, ale také jakoukoliv tělesnou partii od krku a dekoltu, přes paže, břicho a dolní část zad až po stehna a lýtka.
Dobrý den, uvažuji o ošetření SMAS lifting, ale nikde nevidím, jaký typ anestezie se při něm využívá. Bojím se bolesti. Děkuji za odpověď.
Vzhledem ke své nenáročnosti ošetření není prováděno v anestezii, a to ani lokální. Velmi citliví jedinci mohou zaznamenat drobné nepohodlí, většina pacientů ovšem ošetření popisuje jako bezbolestné.
Is there any limitation after the procedure?
Not at all. Just stay away from saunas for a bit and do not perform sports or drink alcohol on the day of the treatment.
Hello, I’d like to book for this procedure. I want to lose some weight from my belly and thighs. Is this procedure suitable for me?
Yes, the treatment can be performed in the areas of your interest. It also depends on the actual state of your fat layer in the area. The doctor will gladly give you more information during a personal consultation and examination.
Hello, I have a question. Is the procedure suitable for a 63 year old woman?
This treatment is suitable for anyone older than 18.
Hello. Is one procedure enough or do I have to repeat it?
The procedure can help you get rid of up to 40 % of locally stored fat after a single treatment. The fat cells removed shall be gone forever. Most patients are satisfied after one treatment; however, the procedure can be repeated in order to achieve a more remarkable result.