Breast plastic surgery: Reduction

Are you one of those women who does not desire an increase in breast size, on the contrary, a decrease? Big breasts not only limit you in your daily activities but also cause health problems with back pain or back spasms? Or did you decide for a breast reduction due to vital and joyful life events? Such is childbirth, care for offspring, or massive weight loss? Whatever the reason, there is only one certainty - you will definitely find support and full care at Mediestetik clinic.

How does breast reduction differ from breast modelling?

Not significantly! A portion of the mammary gland and adipose tissue are removed, in addition, as needed with excess skin. Breasts are, like during the modelling, lifted, shaped and reduced in size.

How does the procedure take place?

We always start from consultation and preoperative examinations; laboratory blood analysis, ECG and sonographic breast examinations. Including mapping the patient's own and her family history. The procedure under full anaesthesia usually lasts about 2.5 hours. 1-2 days of hospitalization followed by two weeks of rest in-home care without smoking and sports and other stress activities follow. About two to three days after the procedure, the patient will probably experience mild to moderate pain. She can suppress it by prescribed analgesics. The patient will obtain an elastic bra and then wear it for another 4-6 weeks.

For whom and when is breast modelling suitable?

The practice in breast modelling, including reduction, is not to perform the procedure before the completion of full body development, i.e. before 16th - 18th year of life. The only exceptions are serious health complications. On the other hand, the professionals have not established the upper age limit for breast surgery yet. However, the state of the patient's health must allow anaesthesia. Surgeons also recommend breast modelling after childbirth and breastfeeding, simply to avoid repetition of the surgery.

Effect of the procedure

This procedure, just like modelling, has excellent results. At the same time, however, there is also a common feature - that is, the appearance of scars, around the areola, downwards towards the inframammary fold, or in the inframammary fold. In addition to post-operative techniques such as pressure massage and silicone scar tissue patching, we can further address this negative side effect directly at the Mediestetik clinic with a variety of methods including laser treatment. The patient should also take into account that, in the initial phase, the reduced breasts will appear paradoxically more pronounced in comparison to the pre-operative state as well as higher on the chest. The final shape and size will gradually stabilize.

Why should you undergo breast reduction with Mediestetik?

Our surgeons have a lot of experience with mastopexy, including reduction. Thanks to their skills and knowledge, patients can rely on the aesthetic, natural and comfortable result. Top technologies and materials (dissolvable threads, etc.) are a natural thing in our surgical theatres. The procedure is preceded by a non-binding consultation that gives you a clear overview of what modelling options are possible; and what techniques or a combination of them our doctor suggests.

Do you desire smaller breasts that will not restrict you? For further information, please contact us at or on the info line: 242 242 242.



Breast plastic surgery: Reduction | Klinika Mediestetik Breast plastic surgery: Reduction | Klinika Mediestetik


Breast plastic surgery: Reduction | Klinika Mediestetik


  • Small breast reduction (up to 100 g)
    from 74 480 CZK
  • Medium breast reduction (up to 500 g)
    from 82 880 Kč
  • Large breast reduction (over 500 g)
    from 87 880 Kč

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