Plastická chirurgie v Praze

Breast plastic surgery: Enlargement

Breast plastic surgery: Enlargement

Too small or asymmetric breasts concern many women, even though it may not be a problem limiting everyday life. The perception of one's own body and its shapes are highly individual. Modern medicine, fortunately, offers plenty of possibilities for a completely individualized approach to breast plastic surgery so that the result is natural and the patients are satisfied with their décolletage. Do you long for a bigger bust and do not want a surgery according to the sampler?

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Breast plastic surgery: Reduction

Breast plastic surgery: Reduction

Are you one of those women who does not desire an increase in breast size, on the contrary, a decrease? Big breasts not only limit you in your daily activities but also cause health problems with back pain or back spasms? Or did you decide for a breast reduction due to important and joyful life events? Such is childbirth, care for offspring, or massive weight loss? Whatever the reason, there is only one certainty - you will find support and full care at Mediestetik clinic

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Breast plastic surgery: Modelling

Breast plastic surgery: Modelling

Every woman is different and, without exaggeration, is the breast. But not every woman is satisfied with nature's work considering the breasts. From asymmetry, through tubular breasts, to areola anomalies; plastic correction - or more precisely, breast modelling - can help in all these cases.

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Fat Transfer to buttocks and breasts

Fat Transfer to buttocks and breasts

Every human body is asymmetrical. Despite all imaginable diets and exercise, each of us has the personal experience of subcutaneous fat remaining in problematic areas. What can we do about it? Thanks to the state-of-the-art technology, our surgeons can move the patient's own adipose tissue for body shaping. This is exactly, what Fat Transfer allows the doctors to perform!

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Are you trying to exercise, eat healthily, but in some places on the body you cannot get rid of fat deposits? We have good news for you! You do not have to despair and even worry about wearing a swimsuit during the summer. Liposuction, one of the most sought after treatment in plastic and aesthetic surgery, can help you.

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Do you suffer from sagging skin on your stomach or unpleasant and non-aesthetic muffin tops? An ideal solution for many women, especially after labour, is abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). This abdominal plastic operation will give you a slim look and even remove some part of the stretch marks.

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Facelift and neck lift

Facelift and neck lift

​Are you worried about developing wrinkles and tired look or sagging face and neck skin? The solution may be a plastic surgery, otherwise known as a facelift. Forget all sorts of creams, masks and fillers. To radically rejuvenate the face, the facelift is an obvious choice! During this procedure, the surgeon removes excess skin on the neck and face and mainly stretches out the subcutaneous connective tissues. Stretching ensures the desired lifting, giving the skin a visibly younger appearance.

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Eyelid plastic surgery: Blepharoplasty

Eyelid plastic surgery: Blepharoplasty

Eyes are the first place of visual contact, and therefore the first impression. How's yours doing? Do your eyelids get heavy with age and rarely look fresh and relaxed? Even skin folds are beginning to hinder you? You are not alone! Swelling and sagging eyelids face a large part of the population sooner or later, including women and men. It is relatively easy to look better. We will help you with this issue in Mediestetik!

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Plastic surgery of ears : Otoplasty

Plastic surgery of ears : Otoplasty

They often serve us very well, but their appearance is troubling us - the talk is about the sticking out ears! Stop hiding your ears and start wearing other hairstyles proudly than just loose hair! Otoplasty will help you.

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Plastic arm surgery: Arm Lift

Plastic arm surgery: Arm Lift

The sagging skin is not just a matter of face and neck, but it can also appear on our arms, where it creates unpleasant skin excesses. It happens very often, especially to women, who then face the so-called "hanging" triceps. What causes it? Most often a significant weight loss or age. However, contemporary aesthetic medicine can cope with this problem effortlessly, and the Mediestetik clinic is not far behind.

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Silhouette lifting

Silhouette lifting

Do you notice the first signs of ageing on your skin? It awaits us all - with age and gravity, our skin inevitably abates and loses its elasticity and strength. Thus, around the age of thirty, the first wrinkles begin to appear. Are you saying that you still have time for this, but do not want to undergo more radical skin treatment? How about trying out ambulatory, and especially, mini-invasive solutions to the first signs of ageing? Try Silhuette lifting!

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There are issues we simply do not talk about. Still, it does not mean they do not give us hard time. Yes, it’s the problems concerning female external genitalia we talk about. As with any other areas, the same “rule“ applies in this case as well: each woman is a original – hence the differences both in size and shape of vulva. Unfortunately, these are often the aspects that limit

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Breast plastic surgery: Enlargement

Too small or asymmetric breasts concern many women, even though it may not be a problem limiting everyday life. The perception of one's own body and its shapes are highly individual. Modern medicine, fortunately, offers plenty of possibilities for a completely individualized approach to breast plastic surgery so that the result is natural and the patients are satisfied with their décolletage. Do you long for a bigger bust and do not want a surgery according to the sampler?

Breast plastic surgery: Reduction

Are you one of those women who does not desire an increase in breast size, on the contrary, a decrease? Big breasts not only limit you in your daily activities but also cause health problems with back pain or back spasms? Or did you decide for a breast reduction due to important and joyful life events? Such is childbirth, care for offspring, or massive weight loss? Whatever the reason, there is only one certainty - you will find support and full care at Mediestetik clinic

Breast plastic surgery: Modelling

Every woman is different and, without exaggeration, is the breast. But not every woman is satisfied with nature's work considering the breasts. From asymmetry, through tubular breasts, to areola anomalies; plastic correction - or more precisely, breast modelling - can help in all these cases.

Fat Transfer to buttocks and breasts

Every human body is asymmetrical. Despite all imaginable diets and exercise, each of us has the personal experience of subcutaneous fat remaining in problematic areas. What can we do about it? Thanks to the state-of-the-art technology, our surgeons can move the patient's own adipose tissue for body shaping. This is exactly, what Fat Transfer allows the doctors to perform!


Are you trying to exercise, eat healthily, but in some places on the body you cannot get rid of fat deposits? We have good news for you! You do not have to despair and even worry about wearing a swimsuit during the summer. Liposuction, one of the most sought after treatment in plastic and aesthetic surgery, can help you.


Do you suffer from sagging skin on your stomach or unpleasant and non-aesthetic muffin tops? An ideal solution for many women, especially after labour, is abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). This abdominal plastic operation will give you a slim look and even remove some part of the stretch marks.

Facelift and neck lift

​Are you worried about developing wrinkles and tired look or sagging face and neck skin? The solution may be a plastic surgery, otherwise known as a facelift. Forget all sorts of creams, masks and fillers. To radically rejuvenate the face, the facelift is an obvious choice! During this procedure, the surgeon removes excess skin on the neck and face and mainly stretches out the subcutaneous connective tissues. Stretching ensures the desired lifting, giving the skin a visibly younger appearance.

Eyelid plastic surgery: Blepharoplasty

Eyes are the first place of visual contact, and therefore the first impression. How's yours doing? Do your eyelids get heavy with age and rarely look fresh and relaxed? Even skin folds are beginning to hinder you? You are not alone! Swelling and sagging eyelids face a large part of the population sooner or later, including women and men. It is relatively easy to look better. We will help you with this issue in Mediestetik!

Plastic surgery of ears : Otoplasty

They often serve us very well, but their appearance is troubling us - the talk is about the sticking out ears! Stop hiding your ears and start wearing other hairstyles proudly than just loose hair! Otoplasty will help you.

Plastic arm surgery: Arm Lift

The sagging skin is not just a matter of face and neck, but it can also appear on our arms, where it creates unpleasant skin excesses. It happens very often, especially to women, who then face the so-called "hanging" triceps. What causes it? Most often a significant weight loss or age. However, contemporary aesthetic medicine can cope with this problem effortlessly, and the Mediestetik clinic is not far behind.

Silhouette lifting

Do you notice the first signs of ageing on your skin? It awaits us all - with age and gravity, our skin inevitably abates and loses its elasticity and strength. Thus, around the age of thirty, the first wrinkles begin to appear. Are you saying that you still have time for this, but do not want to undergo more radical skin treatment? How about trying out ambulatory, and especially, mini-invasive solutions to the first signs of ageing? Try Silhuette lifting!


There are issues we simply do not talk about. Still, it does not mean they do not give us hard time. Yes, it’s the problems concerning female external genitalia we talk about. As with any other areas, the same “rule“ applies in this case as well: each woman is a original – hence the differences both in size and shape of vulva. Unfortunately, these are often the aspects that limit

Podepsaly se vám roky, mateřství, radosti i starosti na těle tak, jak jste nechtěli? Toužíte ve skrytu duše po změně, ale roky plynou a vy jste se zatím neodvážili? Už není na co čekat, skrývat se a trápit. Klinika Mediestetik v roce 2019 otevřela na své centrále v Mánesově ulici na Praze 2 zbrusu nové oddělení plastické chirurgie – pacientům hledajícím špičkovou estetickou péči se tak otevírají nové možnosti. A v čem je plastika kliniky Mediestetik v Praze unikátní?

Najdete u nás: individuální péči prvotřídních plastických chirurgů s mezinárodními zkušenostmi, nejmodernější vybavení včetně operačního sálu z antibakteriálního skla a komfortní pooperační péči. Široká je pak i nabídka našich služeb – ať už máte vysněnou plastiku prsou, facelifting, operaci víček nebo plastika břicha, na klinice Medistetik vám pomůžeme. Která žena ještě neuvažovala o zvětšení prsou? A tabu pro nás nejsou dokonce ani intimní estetické a funkční problémy. Nabízíme tak i plastické a esteticko-dermatologické zákroky.