Dental Implants

Are you missing a tooth or teeth and you want to do something about it? If there still is a healthy dental root in the gum, it is possible to place a crown on it or a bridge. If the root is missing, the only solution may be a dental implant.

What is a dental implant?

Dental implants have become a standard solution to missing teeth. An implant is a functional substitution for a tooth (including its root), which – unlike the temporary or removable dental prosthetics – allows the patient to have a normal life without any complications or limitations.

Each implant consists of a titanium root which is applied into the gum where the actual dental root used to be and of a ceramic crown placed onto this root. Together these parts create a fully functional dental prosthesis.

What should I expect from the implantation process?

The Mediestetik clinic uses a modern implantology centre; therefore the actual implantation process is no longer a demanding experience for the patient.


Now, we are also able to create a maximally precise plan for tooth implant placement. At first, we make a detailed scan of the patient‘s mouth, taking into account all anatomical aspects that could have a direct impact on the implant positioning. The scanning results in the creation of a perfectly matching 3D surgical template shaped right according to the patient’s teeth. This template ensures the highest possible precision and comfort of the implantation process as a whole.

The implantation as such then takes places in 4 phases: starting with a consultation with the dentist, leading to the creation of a detailed treatment plan, printing of the 3D navigation template, and finishing with the precise placement of the implant. After approximately 2 months, the whole treatment is completed with the placement of the tooth crown.

Is the implantation performed in narcosis?

It is not. Implantation, same as any other dental treatment provided at our clinic, is performed in topical anaesthesia. We, however, use a two or three-phased anaesthetic application. At first we cover the area we are about to treat with an anaesthetic spray in order to numb it before we use topical anaesthetics.

Can I have an implant when having periodontal disease?

Technically speaking, yes you can; however, the periodontal disease has to be treated first and the bone has to be re-built through methods such as so called bone grafting. Once you treat your periodontal disease and the bone in your jaw is re-built, you can receive a dental implant.

Ošetřující lékaři

Vasyl Reiter | Klinika Mediestetik
Lékař stomatolog

Vasyl Reiter


Dental Implants | Klinika Mediestetik Dental Implants | Klinika Mediestetik


Dental Implants | Klinika Mediestetik


  • Consultation 900 Kč
  • Implantate 18 000 Kč 
  • Crown on implantate 18 000 Kč
  • Bone grafting from 10 000 Kč

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Question: Hello, my son 18 years old has a problem with his front teeth – they’re too big and my son is thinking about extracting them and put implants in. Do you think it’s wise? His teeth are otherwise healthy and nice.

Answer: If the teeth are healthy, we choose implantation as the very last option. If your son is not happy with the size and shape of his teeth, it is possible to alter it through ceramic veneers or crowns in a shape and colour of your son’s liking. 

Question: How exactly does the implantation work?

Answer: The process consists of three phases – firstly, the patient needs to consult their issues with the dentist in order to design a concrete treatment plan, then the actual implantation occurs, approximately after 14 days the stitches are removed and approximately after three months the crown can be placed on top of the titanium root.

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