Dental Hygiene

Greatest strength is in prevention. All of us should visit our dentists twice a year, in order for any dental problem to be discovered on time. Apart from the traditional check-ups, we should also undergo a professional dental hygiene which adds to long-term health of your teeth significantly.

What is a professional dental hygiene?

It is a professional teeth cleaning performed by the dental hygienist. Such cleaning has four stages. At first, the dentist removes hard sediments (hardened dental plaque, so called calculus or tartar) on the tooth surface and in between the teeth using ultrasound. Using airflow technique, the dentist removes soft sediments on the teeth (dental plaque), then polishes the teeth and strengthens them with a fluoride paste.

The effect of professional dental hygiene

The effect of professional dental hygiene is immediately visible. The teeth are clean, brighter to look at and smoother to touch. No special regime is needed after the procedure, with the exception of following the so-called white diet for few days. This means you should dismiss any groceries and meals that could possibly affect the results, such as coffee or red wine.

How long the patient can enjoy the effect of the treatment, is strictly individual and depends very much on the patient’s lifestyle, their genetic predispositions and mostly on the quality of their everyday dental hygiene.

Why is it recommended to repeat the professional dental hygiene regularly?

Teeth are constantly under attack of bacteria and the development of plaque and tartar is never-ending, somewhere it happens slower, somewhere much faster. In order to maintain healthy oral cavity with as little problems as possible, it is recommended to visit your dentist twice a year for a check-up and for professional teeth cleaning. The risk of developing caries, periodontal diseases or other dental problems is significantly decreased when following this recommendation.

Die behandelnde Ärzte

Lenka Pokorná, | Klinika Mediestetik
Dentální hygienistka

Lenka Pokorná, DiS.


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Question: Hello, can you tell me what dental hygiene consists of?

Answer: Dental hygiene performed at our clinic has four stages. At first, the dentist removes hard sediments (hardened dental plaque, so called calculus or tartar) on the tooth surface and in between the teeth using ultrasound. Using airflow technique, the dentist removes soft sediments on the teeth (dental plaque), then polishes the teeth and strengthens them with a fluoride paste

Question: Is it necessary to undergo dental hygiene regularly?

Answer: Dental hygiene helps prevent dental carries occurrence, therefore we would strongly recommend you to undergo this procedure twice a year together with the preventive check-up.

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